Percentage Yes Vote During Recognition Election
Number of Members, as of December ’23
Join our events!
The Coordinating Committee are graduate student worker volunteers who come together every week to run FGSW’s daily functioning, including bargaining.
stewards help make sure the contract is enforced, act as a liason between labor relations and graduate student workers and can serve as legal representation for members facing discipline, termination or discrimination.
In order to support our CC and Mobilizers, our staff–both full-time and part-time are here to oversee projects and assist organizers in the day-to-day.
Our Priorities
Working–and studying–at Fordham is challenging. Learn more about our bargaining priorities, and what our graduate workers need to thrive in one of the cities with the highest COL in the world.
Have you had issues in your workplace at Fordham, are in need of information, or simply want to reach out to to connect to other union members? No matter if you’re a lab assistant, hourly tutor or sole instructor, we can help.